Individual activities by period
You can find informations about the members who are working on this project, and how the project is progressing over time.
Individual activities by period
2019, May 7 ~ May 27
2019, May 7
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Set theme jekyll-theme-cayman Set theme
- Write README to overview this project ‘Write README’
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Found project named “TheAlgorithms/Java”
- Helped select project to fork “TheAlgorithms”
- Wrote some parts of readme of whole project
2019, May 14
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Wrote Wiki page with contributors’ information and project source
2019, May 21
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Select the project and utilize the project “TheAlgorithms/C” ‘Utilize the project’
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Found some parts we can contribute (exercism folder, ProjectEuler folder, sorting folder, searching folder)
- Started writing Gomoku(‘오목’ in Korean) program for exercism
2019, May 27
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Find radix sorting algorithm
- Wrote radix sorting program and added directly to master branch
- Made a problem when push in Git Bash
2019, May 28 ~ June 3
2019, May 28
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Re-uploaded radix sorting code using master branch, but not using Git Bash ‘radix sorting 1.0.1’
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) jeongwoo25
- Reviewed ‘BubbleSort’, improved the efficiency and fixed the errors.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Recopy our project from The Algorithm. ‘copy project’
- Add our team information and project explanation in main README.me.
2019, May 29
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Revised radix sorting code
- Added dynamic allocation and a function implements finding local minimum.
2019, May 30
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Updated radix sorting code to a 1.0.3 version
- Solved ArrayIndexOutOfBounds problem by changing some values in for statement.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Write code which convert number N base to M base. ‘Create NtoM.c’
2019, May 31
이정우(LEE Jeongwoo) ‘jeongwoo25’
- Reviewed ‘SelectionSort’, improved the readability, the efficiency, and fixed the allocation error.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Add main code in NtoM.c ‘Update NtoM.c’
2019, June 4 ~ June 11
2019, June 3
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Update NtoM.c to see easily ‘Update NtoM.c’
- Create DynamicStack.c ‘Create DynamicStack.c’
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) ‘jeongwoo25’
- Reviewed ‘Decimal_to_binary’ and added the case of negative number.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Edit some part of code to remove error. ‘Update NtoM.c’
- Write basic double linked list code. ‘Create Double_list.c’
2019, June 4
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Create basic DynamicQueue.c ‘Create DynamicQueue.c’
- Update hash.c to remove error ‘Update hash.c’
- Update DynamicQueue.c to remove error ‘Update DynamicQueue.c’
- Create UnderstandingHashTable.c ‘Create UnderstandingHashTable.c’
- Update hello_world.c to see easily ‘Update Hello_world.c’
- Create PancakeSort.c ‘Create PancakeSort.c’
- Update binary_insertion_sort.c to make delay time shortly ‘Update binary_insertion_sort.c’
- Create MergeSortforLinkedLists.c ‘Create MergeSortforLinkedLists.c’
- Update MergeSortforLinkedLists.c to see easily ‘Update MergeSortforLinkedLists.c’
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Created bulls_and_cows(‘숫자야구’ in Koran) codes ‘bulls_and_cows 1.0.0’
- Updated bulls_and_cows two times by changing function return type, changing initial variable value, respectively.
- Created readme file in each project files for the first visitors
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) ‘jeongwoo25’
- Reviewed ‘QuickSort_DoubleLinkedList’ and edit the code from C++ version to C version.
- Created ‘QuickSort_DoubleLinkedList‘.c file in sorting folder.
- Created ‘QuickSort_SingleLinkedList‘.c file in sorting folder.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Add main code in Double_list.c ‘Update Double_list.c’
- Write basic circular list code.’Create Circular_List.c’
- Add double linked list and circular list on index of data structure README.md.
- Improve readability of Circular_list.c. ‘Update Circular_List.c’
2019, June 5
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Update Binary_Search.c to improve the main.c ‘Update Binary_Search.c’
- Create BFS.c ‘Create BFS.c’
- Create DFS.c ‘Create DFS.c’
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Created 1st solution for Problem 7 in ProjectEuler ‘Problem7_solution1’
- Created 1st solution for Problem 6 in ProjectEuler ‘Problem6_soultion1’
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) jeongwoo25
- Reviewed ‘MergeSort’ and improved the user interface and code readability.
- Reviewed ‘SingleLinkedList_Operations’, improved the output form and fixed the nullptr errors.
- Reviewed ‘Mean’, improved the correctness of the result and fixed the errors in swap process.
- Created ‘QuickSort_Iterative‘.c file in sorting folder.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Write function to find height in tree. ‘Create Find_height.c’
- Write basic create and delete graph code. ‘Create baseGraph.c’
- Write add node code for graph. ‘Update baseGraph.c’
- Add NtoM and baseGraph in index of main README.md.
2019, June 6
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Create LICENSE to protect our codes ‘Create LICENSE’
- Create UnionFind.c ‘Create UnionFind.c’
- Pull-request to original Open Source Algorithms/c to check our codes are effective ‘Pull-request on Algorithms/c’
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Created 2nd solution for Problem 5 in ProjectEuler ‘Problem5_solution2’
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) jeongwoo25
- Reviewed ‘Variance’, fixed some errors in swap process and improved the user interface.
- Created ‘GnomeSort‘.c file in sorting folder.
- Created ‘InsertionSort_Recursive‘.c file in sorting folder.
- Created ‘BitonicSort‘.c file in sorting folder.
- Created ‘TimSort‘.c file in sorting folder.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Write clear list code. ‘Update Circular_List.c’
- Write print graph code.Update baseGraph.c’
- Improve readability of baseGraph.c
- Update index of README.md in data structure folder.
2019, June 7
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- check the README and revise it ‘check the README and revise it’
- Create Boruvka’sAlgorithm ‘Create Boruvka’sAlgorithm’
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Created 1st solution for problem 4 in ProjectEuler ‘Problem4_solution1’
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Add some condition to prevent error. ‘Update NtoM.c’
- Improve readability in Find_height.c. ‘Update Find_height.c’
2019, June 8
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Create README.md ‘Create README.md’
- Delete decimal_to_binary.c ‘Delete decimal_to_binary.c’
- Create README.md ‘Create README.md’
- Create README.md ‘Create README.md’
- Create README.md ‘Create README.md’
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Created 2nd solution for Problem7 in ProjectEuler ‘Problem7_solution2’
- Created 1st solution for Problem5 in ProjectEuler ‘Problem5_solution1’
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Write threaded binary tree code. ‘Create Threaded_binary_tree.c’
- Delete some part of code in Double_list.c to prevent error. ‘Update Doublr_list.c’
- Write enqueue and dequeue function in DynamicQueue.c ‘Update DynamicQueue.c’
- Add stdlib.h in DynamicStack.c ‘Update DynamicStack.c’
- Write isEmpty function in queue.c ‘Update queue.c’
- Edit some part of code in Find_height.c to prevent error. ‘Update Find_height.c’
2019, June 9
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Updated 1st solution for Problem7 in ProjectEuler
- Included math header file to use sqrt function
- Added multiplyPrimes, lastCalculation function
- Updated 1st solution for Problem5 in ProjectEuler
- Changed return type of primesLessThanN
- Completed multiplyPrimes algorithms
- Added lastCalculation function
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) jeongwoo25
- Reviewed ‘Median’, improved the result value and user interface and fixed the errors in allocation and sorting process.
- Reviewed ‘LinearSearch’, fixed allocation errors in array and made the output form clear.
- Reviewed ‘Binarys’, made the user interface better and split the BinarySearch from the main function to make the code easy.
- Reviewed ‘Recursive_traversals’ and edit the return type of the functions.
- Created ‘TreeSort‘.c file in sorting folder.
- Created ‘Dijkstra_example‘.c file in data_structures\graphs folder.
- Created ‘GCD_BruteForce‘.c file in misc folder.
- Created ‘GCD_BruteForce+‘.c file in misc folder.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Write peek function in queue.c ‘Update queue.c’
2019, June 10
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Overview of this Project to get effective working ‘Overview of this Project’
- Progress of this Project to get effective working ‘Progress of this Project’
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Updated 1st solution for Problem 7 in ProjectEuler
- Since I made mistake of applying solution for problem 5, I got back that code
- Binded some codes in ProjectEuler by renaming those files’ name
- Created 5 java files(Grille, Morpion, Morpionjava, TimeFactor, Victoire) for Gomoku algorithm
- ‘Grille.java’ ‘Morpion.java’ ‘Morpionjava.java’ ‘TimeFactor.java’ ‘Victoire.java’
- Updated 1st solution for Problem4 in ProjectEuler
- Changed return type of findPalindromicNum function
- Completed main algorithms
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) jeongwoo25
- Reviewed ‘BFS’ and invert the code from C++ version to C version.
- Reviewed ‘DFS’ and invert the code from C++ version to C version.
- Created ‘AVL Tree‘.c file in data_structures\binary_trees folder.
- Created ‘Merge two balanced BST‘.c file in data_structures\binary_trees folder.
- Created ‘SplayTree_Search‘.c file in data_structures\binary_trees folder.
- Created ‘SplayTree_Insert‘.c file in data_structures\binary_trees folder.
- Created ‘Diameter of BST‘.c file in data_structures\binary_trees folder.
- Created ‘Diameter of BST_efficient‘.c file in data_structures\binary_trees folder.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Write Left-leaning red black tree. ‘Create Left-leaning red black tree’
- Delete queue.c becasue of duplication. ‘Delete queue.c’
- Delete stack.c because of duplication. ‘Delete stack.c’
- Write function that find max number and min number in array. ‘Create Max_Min.c’
- Write code which can make hemisphere and print it. ‘Create Hemisphere.c’
- Write code which can manage a employee list. ‘Create Wildcard.c’
- Add data file for Wildcard.c code. ‘Create data.txt’
2019, June 11
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Create Rabin-Karp Algorithm ‘Create Rabin-Karp Algorithm’
- Create FiniteAutomata ‘Create FiniteAutomata’
- Create FloydWarshall ‘Create FloydWarshall’
- Update Floyd-Warshall.c to see easily ‘Update Floyd-Warshall.c’
- Delete Floyd-Warshall.c to get effective overview ‘Delete Floyd-Warshall.c’
- Create HamiltonianCycle ‘Create HamiltonianCycle’
- Create HuffmanCoding ‘HuffmanCoding’
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) jeongwoo25
- Created ‘Length_List‘.c file in data_structures\linked_list folder.
- Created ‘ReverseSearch_List‘.c file in data_structures\linked_list folder.
- Created ‘FindMiddle_List‘.c file in data_structures\linked_list folder.
- Created ‘Reversing_List‘.c file in data_structures\linked_list folder.
- Created ‘Reversing_Stack‘.c file in data_structures\stack folder.
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Created 2nd solution for Problem 4 in ProjectEuler ‘Problem4_solution2’