Overview what we do - Pull requests
2019 / 06 / 11After modifying the members’ code, Merge can be checked through the consent and rejection process. We opened 154 pull requests, and all of them were closed now. -
Overview what we do - projects
2019 / 06 / 11You can check the flow of tasks in progress, completed tasks, and tasks in the process of modification in this project. -
Overview what we do - commits
2019 / 06 / 11You can check what we do in this project by seeing commits. -
Overview what we do - Wiki
2019 / 06 / 11You can find informations about the members who are working on this project, what contribution they have made, and how the project is progressing over time. -
Overview What we do - Issues
2019 / 06 / 11In this issue, you can check what we have raised and shared information in this project. -
Overview what we do - Insights
2019 / 06 / 11You can see the contribution of members to the project. you can also check the statistical figures associated with this project. -
Individual parts of contributing to a project
2019 / 06 / 10You can see individual parts of contributing to a project. -
Individual activities by period
2019 / 06 / 10You can find informations about the members who are working on this project, and how the project is progressing over time. -
2019 / 06 / 08Create the Threaded_binary_tree. -
Left-leaning red black tree
2019 / 06 / 06Create Left-leaning red black tree -
pull request to Open Source Project
2019 / 06 / 05We make our own bulls_and_cows. So We think it is effective for their project. So we do pull-request to Open Source Project. -
2019 / 06 / 04Writing the Bulls_and_cows -
The flow of this project.
2019 / 06 / 03You can check the flow of this project. -
Member's information
2019 / 05 / 07This C algorithm project is underway with four SKKU Software students. Press this post for more details.